© Wirtschaftskammer Wien    📷 Eva Puella

We are a group of state-certified tourist guides  – Austria Guides. We are part of  the professional Tourism and Leisure industry organized within  the Vienna Economic Chamber.

GRÄTZEL TOURS is organized in cooperation with the Vienna Tourist Board, which places the “Grätzel” theme at the heart of its marketing activities. The “Grätzel” theme will remain in focus even after 2024, as it contributes to decongest Vienna`s 1st. district.

At the same time – GRÄTZEL TOURS– guided tours through Vienna`s  charming neighborhoods –  offers a wonderful opportunity to get to know Vienna in all its fascinating diversity.

GRÄTZEL TOURS invites  – both tourist as well as  residents – to explore surprising and unexpected aspects of Vienna, –  off the beaten tracks.

For a better understanding – here is a short introduction of what Viennese call a  Grätzel (or Grätzl):

Vienna’s residents refer to the city’s districts as Grätzel. They are much more than that, however: a Grätzel makes you feel at home and has a heartbeat. Each has its own atmosphere and unique charm.

In Berlin the word is Kiez, New York has its neighborhoods, Madrid its barrios – while Vienna’s districts are referred to as “Grätzel”. Originally derived from the obsolete word “gereiz”, which meant “perimeter”, it describes a small, inner-city unit consisting of several streets. Most of the Grätzel emerged from the former settlements outside what was then the city center and is now the first district. The centers of Grätzel are mostly defined by markets or main squares, as well as by the streets leading to them. What makes Vienna’s Grätzel unique is that they often have no official boundaries, no beginning and no end. On our guided GRÄTZEL TOURS, with local, certified tourist guides you suddenly step from one into another and marvel at how varied Vienna can be.